Representative name: Paul Raven-Hill (Chairman)
How can people get in touch:
Phone number: 07702 375397 (Mobile) or via website.
Email address:
Facebook page: Twickenham & District MRC

Give us a little bit of background on your club:
Our club was started by a passionate group of railway modellers in 1961. TDMRC is based at Kerswell Hall, Wills Crescent, Hounslow, on the Hounslow/Whitton borders, although we have members living over a wide area, including a few overseas!
I joined in 1966 and have been a member continuously, and have been Chairman since 2017.
What moment are you most proud of?
I am most proud of being able to lead the club through the Covid Pandemic and maintain interest of members during this period of time.
What do you love most about the community you have built?
Being with a group of railway modellers with a common interest in model railways.
Tell us about your current projects at the club:
“Addison Road” – ‘O’ Gauge (1920s era);
“Northwick” – ‘OO’ Gauge layout (1950/60s era);
“Eastgate” – ‘OO’ (Modern image – post 2000);
“Batty Moor” – ‘N’ Gauge’ (1950/60ss era)
New ‘G’ Scale layout under construction (European style Narrow Gauge)
View our model railway layouts here.
What do you usually do during club meetings?
Our sessions tend to be led by whatever our members want to do, or what they need help with. Activities can range from modelling, maintenance of layouts, running sessions, or anything else members want to learn more about and find interesting.
Upon joining, new members can look forward to meeting fellow railway modellers, discussing ideas, gaining, and improving their modelling skills.
How can people donate to your club?
Contact the club via website or Facebook page (See above).
How can newcomers join your club?
Contact the Club Chairman or Secretary by email via the TDMRC website and then visit club on meeting days (usually Friday evenings 19:30 – 22:00 and some Saturdays). We welcome all modellers, regardless of skill and experience, to join us in this practical and creative hobby.