Static grass has revolutionised the way modellers approach making their scenery for their model railway layouts, dioramas or wargaming battle boards. We whole-heartedly believe that you will not find a better product on the market that will help you create this calibre of realism in this span of time. However, static grass as a concept is still incredibly new, and therefore can be quite confusing when trying to explain to people, especially those who have been using dyed sawdust for years as their grass substitutes. We want our static grass system to be readily accessible to anyone, of any skill level who is looking to create hyper-realistic natural grassy landscapes, so we have compiled our most commonly asked questions in the hopes of making static grass seem as simple as it really is.

What is static grass and how does it work?
Static grass is made of super-thin flocked nylon strands which are electrically charged using our Pro Grass applicators, and then sprinkled onto your layout and adhered by glue. As the grass is electrically charged, it falls standing up and dries in an upright position, giving it the effect of realistic grass. Of course, you can manipulate your grass before it dries to the glue to give it different effects, such as realistic grass clumps or grass that has been blown in a certain direction.
You can also apply static grass over the top of existing models. If you have a model with a grassy landscape you want to update and elevate using static grass, such as a model you have used dyed sawdust on, you can add static grass on top. The existing textures underneath the new static grass layer will help create a natural landscape within minutes!

What makes static grass revolutionary?
There is nothing like our static grass on the market. You’re creating a 3-dimensional realism of nature in a way that has never been done before. Our static grass, combined with our revolutionary layering system (which uses 2ml, 4ml and 6ml grass), has changed the game when it comes to scenery and model making.
For realistic looking static grass, you need two fundamental things: glue and colour of grass. Grass is not all one shade, and real grass is composed of hundreds of different minute tints and shades. Our static grass is made to mimic the colourful landscape in Britain and Europe and achieves an ultra-realistic finish. By using our layering system and layering glues, you can create a layer of static grass and layer it with different colours and blends for a seamlessly realistic finish. We know you won’t be able to achieve the same results using any other product available.
What skill level can use static grass?
Static grass is ridiculously easy to use, and suitable for all skill levels. Many beginners are afraid of using the static grass system and worry about making mistakes or the grass not looking perfect. Martyn, one of our founders says that “if you make a mistake, it turns into a good idea.” You’re creating nature, so there are no mistakes. If your grass looks too manicured, it won’t look real. If you look at a meadow or a field, you’ll notice tufts, clumps, rocks, divots, and variations in ground level. If you make a “mistake” on your static grass you can always cover it with more static grass, which will make your landscape look even more realistic.
In short, static grass is for everyone.
Buy your own static grass system
If you want to check out your very own static grass system and start levelling up your scenery, feel free to peruse our website where we showcase our vast range of grass colours and styles, as well as our Pro Grass Applicator kits. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.